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Regional Information Website for Cyclists plzenskonakole.cz Starts in English


Regional information website for cyclists plzenskonakole.cz (that means „pilsenonbike.cz") started in August 2007. Its goal is to give complete information to all the people that ride or want to ride their bikes in Pilsen (Plzeň) region. Pilsen and its surroundings offer a lot of cycle routes, interesting places and beautifull landscape - this is the reason why there are more and more cyclists - local ones and non-residents too. Other cyclists come to Pilsen region on the international cycle route No 3 from Prague (Praha) via Pilsen to Regensburg. Information on the website plzenskonakole.cz is here for all these people. English version of this website starts today in „beta version", that means we start to insert data step by step. Be patient, please - new texts and photos have been growing up here. I hope you will find here some inspiration for your visit of our region and discovering of it from the saddle of your two-wheel bikemachine. So: Have a pleasant reading and nice journey to our region with plzenskonakole.cz!

Author: cykloRADKA (Editor) Updated: 30.12.2007
This project is financially supported by the City of Pilsen. Let me thank you to all the people that help me - to all the authors of the texts and photos and my bike friends giving me bikenews and of course to the people that support this project in grant proceeding. Great thanks belongs also to Benes&Michl creator of website design and webediting system and also the author of our logo.